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During the first day in Helsinki I parked my Artwork on a fair ground in front of the Central Station. Due to the rain, I had to finished the first day in Helsinke really early. The next day I promised myself to find a place were I could stay dry. I found a porch in front of the Kiasma (Modern Museum) in the city. I parked my Artwork without permission, I went in and I asked the curator if he or she would paint the first painting on the Artwork, with the result that they tolerate me in front of the museum. The place was a big success, many people, especially people form Finland painted my Artwork. On the way to Helsinki I passed for a few time the trafficsign Leningrad, at that moment I realized my self that I travelled many kilometers in a few days to get that far. I became euphoric that I reached almost the Russian border, because everybody told me that I and the Artwork were suitable for it.