(Telegraaf, 26-04-2003, Financieel Dagblad; 1-5-2003, Rotterdams Dagblad, 03-05-2003) Ik begrijp goed dat het Nederlandse Ministerie van Volksgezondheid– in tegenstelling tot Belgie – niet kiest voor massale inentingen en verspreiding van medicijnen tegen de vogelpest. Omdat deze medicaties vaak grote bijwerkingen hebben en omdat ze slechts 70-90% effectief zijn bij jonge gezonde mensen en slechts 30-40%… Lees verder Dier Mens Virus
Auteur: Erik Van Loon
Saved or Liberated
In the New York Times today Joseph Berger wrote a great article about Anne Frank. I have two problems though in one sentence. “Otto Frank, knowing his wife had died, was also liberated at Auschwitz and returned to Amsterdam to await news about his daughters.” 1. When did he heard? The end of may 1945… Lees verder Saved or Liberated
The Alchemist
Title: The Alchemist New York, 2014 I Will Win – The Alchemist A painting of 33 x 20 feet On November 2th, 2014, the Dutch artist Erik Van Loon will unveil for the 10th consecutive New York City Marathon his new edition of the “I Will Win” painting series (33 x 20 ft). The painting will be… Lees verder The Alchemist
Pressletter The Alchemist
Title: The Alchemist New York, 2014 I Will Win – The Alchemist A painting of 33 x 20 feet On November 2th, 2014, the Dutch artist Erik Van Loon will unveil for the 10th consecutive New York City Marathon his new edition of the “I Will Win” painting series (33 x 20 ft). The painting will be… Lees verder Pressletter The Alchemist