The Body (2013)

43 Erik Van Loon

I Will Win 8 – The Body is my next I Will Win self portrait which draws attention to all those anonymous individuals throughout the world who strive to improve themselves in among others, relationships, work, studies, arts, sports, etc every day. The Body 10 by 6 m. (= 10.9 by 6.5 yard.) is different then my I Will Win paintingsa photographic artwork inspired by Eadweard Muybridge photo A Man Running and Disk Step Walk (1887)


NYC Marathon The idea is to show The Body like my other I Will Win artworks from a building along the ING New York City Marathon. In order to show The Body to the 40.000 runners and approximately 260 million TV viewers in 125 countries for six to seven seconds. Different to Muybridge, I will photograph the 42 naked self portraits myself in 360°, the first at 8,37°, the second at 16,72° and so on in order to show all facets of the human body. But most important, I will photograph and photoshop myself alive and glowing similair to Rembrandts deceased wife, Saskia, in his world known painting The Night Watch. To finance I Will Win 8 – The Crisis I started a crowdfunding project. Please let me know if you are interested? I am looking forward to hear from you!

Erik Van Loon