New York
Obama (Leyla) vs McCain (Erik)
The diverse and eclectic group comprised of artists, architects, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs and students from all over the world will realize their latest vision, Fight For Love – New York, at Manhattan’s Times Square on Tuesday, November 4th (Presidential Election Day) from03.00 – 05.00 pm
The Fight
To commemorate the U.S. Presidential Election, the Erik Van Loon will organize a fight between presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama. Forget all the negative ads, rhetoric, debates and polls while you cheer on a fight to the death, between McCain and Obama. We invite you for the ultimate Election Day poll between the candidates at Times Square New York from 03.00 till 05.00 p.m.
The Mission
Leyla In and Erik Van Loon will box against each other in order to draw attention for an increased awareness of the violence prevalent in society. Hopefully, this and future Fight For Love artshows held in cities throughout the world will help fulfill John and Yoko’s dream to ‘Give Peace A Chance.’
Additional Information
Before Fight For Love – New York Erik Van Loon realized Fight For Love – Tokyo as you can read at the following Japanese blogs:
– Jeansnow -a guide to design and pop culture in Tokyo
– Neil Duckett