
Go Dutch with Artist on I Love D.C. Art Project

WASHINGTON, D.C, October 1, 2013

i love dc improved polaroidDutch artist Erik Van Loon is looking for Washingtonians, Virginians, and Marylanders who a) love D.C, and b) own – or know people who own – a red or black car, in order to realize his newest D.C. based art project “I Love D.C.”

Date and location:
The photoshoot will take place at Nov 17 and the place (parkinglot) will be announced exclusively to the people who apply for I LOVE DC.

Erik Van Loon (865 2 E V LOON = 865 238 5666)

250 Cars
The concept is simple: Erik Van Loon needs 175 red cars, 75 black cars, and approximately fours hours of volunteers’ time on a designated parking lot for him to shoot an aerial image of the cars reading “I [HEART] D.C.”
(Note: At the moment he has 70 cars.)

Why D.C.
“Due to hurricane Sandy I had to unveill “I Will Win – The Elections” in Washington DC instead the New York City Marathon . Unveiling I Will Win – The Elections in DC and to take refuge in D.C. I fell in love with both the city and its people. For me, it had global society — poor and rich and black and white … I like the energy I really love the people, the museums. I love everything about Washington. With “I Love D.C” Erik van Loon wants to join together all those people who love D.C, love art, love a free sandwich, and want to volunteer in an international art project.

Artist Inspiration
Walking near and around Mount Vernon Square, I was surprised by the empty parking lots and the ugly tower at the Interstate 395 tunnel. In the Washington Post I sad: ‘You don’t expect any empty space in a city like this’. The parking lots and the unattractive tower served as my inspiration. That’s why I want to hang I LOVE DC as a 20-by-12-foot banner on the unattractive blank tower at the 395 tunnel near Mount Vernon Square.

Audience Participation
Required Erik Van Loon is in the national’s capital for only two months, but he wants this project to remain for up to ten years. To fund, create, and display the affection based art work, he needs participants to “Go Dutch” with him in footing the bill. In addition to car involvement, Van Loon is seeking donations and offering an assortment of perks in return. From take home photos and exclusive t- shirts, to photo books and private thank you parties. Below you will find an I LOVE DC fundraising video.

About the Artist
In the Netherlands Erik Van Loon is also known for his work as advocate for clean water. He organise for example each year a river clean up, the Mermaidparade and the Rotterdam Swim, Amsterdam Swim and the Royal Amstel Swim to raise awarness for clean water.


Fundraising video

For more information or inquiries on the project please :
– visit the website or
– call Erik Van Loon on 865 2 E V LOON (865 238 5666).

The date and time for the location will be announced to volunteers closer to date.