We need at least $ 20.000

To realise I LOVE DC we need at least $ 20.000,- to pay:
Making the photo
– Flyers, posters, ads, etc
to raise awairness
– Parking lot
rental fees $4 x 250 cars
– Catering
all participants and volunteers will get a sandwich and coffee or tea 4 x 250
– Event insurances
for the cars, the participants and the volunteers,
– Helicopter
to make the aerial photo we have to rent a chopper ($ 350 an hour)
– Photographs
to make aerial and streetlevel photos ($ 250 each)
= $6.300 (1)
Printing and hanging I LOVE DC
– Permits $450
– I LOVE DC “Polaroid” banner
to print a 6 x 9 yards banner of I LOVE DC
– Construction
to build the construction in which I LOVE DC will be hanged
= $3.250 (2)
(10 years)
– Electricity
$ 600 a year for lightning
$ 6000
– Reparations
$ 400 a year
$ 4.000
= $10.000 (3)
Totall = $19.550